Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thursday February 12 HOMEWORK

Assignment: Homework 12 (p.433-434)

Details (including sentence starters!)
If you're not sure how to do the homework from the book, use my version of the questions. The questions are in bold and sentence starters are in italics. When there is a choice (like/this) you have to pick one.

1. Why must the two other angles of a right triangle be acute (less than 90 degrees)?
A triangle has a total of 180 degrees, so if one angle is 90...

2. Why do you think right triangles are considered important?
Right triangles are important because we use them in every day life.... (give example of something in real life that has a right angle)

3. What statements can you make about how the lengths of the sides of a right triangle compare to each other?
Draw a right triangle. How do the legs compare to the hypotenuse?
The legs of a right triangle are (longer/shorter) than the hypotenuse. If you combine the two legs, that length is (longer/shorter) than the hypotenuse. (If you notice anything else, please include it)

4. Draw a right triangle. Measure the legs and then draw one with legs twice as long. 
a) how does the hypotenuse compare?
The hypotenuse of the second triangle is (longer/shorter) than the hypotenuse of the first. (How much longer/shorter?)

b) How do the acute angles of the 2 triangles compare?
The two acute angles in the first triangle measure ___ and ___, the acute angles in the larger triangle measure ___ and ____. 

c) What do the answers from 4a and 4b tell you about the two triangles?
The side lengths of the two triangles are __________ and the angles are ___________

5. Draw a right triangle with acute angles of different sizes (use: 90 degrees, 30 degrees, 60 degrees)

Which leg is longer, the one opposite (across from) the bigger angle or the one adjacent (next to) the bigger angle?
The longer leg is the one that is  (opposite/adjacent) from the 60 degree angle. 

6. Is it possible for a right triangle to be isosceles? Equilateral? 
A right triangle (can/cannot) be isosceles because two of it's sides (can/cannot) be the same length.
A right triangle (can/cannot) be equilateral because all of it's sides (can/cannot) be the same length. 

Due: Tuesday in class
Reminder! Your final draft of the POW is also do in class on Tuesday

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